Monday, June 30, 2008

I've been tagged- 6 quirky habits

My friend Amy tagged me so here it goes:

1. I too have to wash the dishes well before I load them in the dishwasher. I absolutely cannot stand if they come out with dried food particles on them, Yuck!!

2. I have to fluff/pat my pillow a certain way before I go to sleep on it at night.

3. I have to have the sheets and blankets over me to fall asleep except I like to have my feet out at the bottom (so they can breath or something)!! Notice a quirky sleep pattern happening here? Poor Scott....

4. I never eat cereal for breakfast in the morning, but i will eat it for dessert at night

5. I will not touch raw hamburger at all, I make Scott mix the meatloaf, press out the hamburger patties etc. I cannot stand when the hamburger gets all greasy on your hands and not even soap takes it off. I told my husband as a Nurse I have no problems touching a dead body, just keep the hamburger away!!!

6. ok, call this one a little paranoia I suppose, but I have been known to come home alone and go around the house and check in closets etc to make sure a burglar/predator isn't lurking. So if Scott's out of town and I call one of you, freaked will know why! I wonder what Dr. Phil would have to say about this one.

Ok Susan/Greg; and Debbie Tag- now tell us your 6 quirky habits


Debbie said...

Ok, that is kinda weird that you won't touch raw meat when you're good w/ other things being a nurse...too funny.

Brian said...

#2 - AMEN! The pillow HAS to be fluffed, and manipulated into just the right shape for a good rest.
